Sunday, May 25, 2014

Imperfect Nests

Sunday, May 25, 2014
I've been stressed out recently. Kay, I've been stressed out pretty much my whole life. Even the things I like stress me out. I think I may meet my doom spontaneous combustion one day, and that my friends is no joke.

It is no secret that marriage is difficult. Parenting is difficult. Keeping up a nice house is difficult. Working full time (and then some) is difficult. Now, try doing all of those things at once. You're going to go crazy, and if you're like me it will look something like a juggler who drops the ball within seconds of starting her act.

I was starting to lose my mind about it all, when I happened upon this baby bird.

These baby birds were in this tree in my back yard. I found them a week ago, and all of the sudden it hit me. Their nest was messy. It was imperfect, and I bet that mother bird worked so hard on that nest. I also would bet that those baby birds do not care that their nest isn't perfect. It keeps them safe from the harsh world, and it is where they will stay happily until they can fly away. It is because of this imperfect nest that they will survive long enough to grow, and possibly make their own nests someday. It would not make a difference if the mother had made a nest of golden strands, as long as their mother met their needs and prepared them to fly away.

Maybe I, too, should think like that mama bird. Just because my nest isn't perfect does not mean I can not have my own version of a perfect life and enjoy it. As long as I can prepare my baby bird to fly away someday and make the most of the time I have with him, maybe, just maybe, all of the petty stuff I let stress me out does not matter.

Maybe we should all be like mother birds.

Well, other than the whole regurgitating food thing. We can ignore that practice and continue our own.

By the way, I visited baby bird today. He was mean mugging me, just like my own child does. I like him even more for it.

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