Monday, January 26, 2015

100 Positive Affirmations

Monday, January 26, 2015

  1. I love myself so that I do not have to rely on the love of others.
  2. My voice is loud and my message is divinely true.
  3. I am one with everything and everyone that exists; therefore, I am equal. I am equal in opportunity, equal in ambition, equal in abundance and equal in love..
  4. I honor the person that I am. I let myself be free to express as I wish.
  5. I celebrate the artist, the mother, the communicator, the dreamer, the warrior, the healer, the romantic, and the divine woman that I am.
  6. I love my ______________. (Fill in any part of your body you wish to focus on.)
  7. I release any anxiety I am holding onto.
  8. I am worthy of self love and self care.
  9. I can feel free to love my personality.
  10. I am deserving of a break sometimes.
  11. “Do your thing and don't care if they like it.” ― Tina Fey
  12. I trust myself.
  13. I am willing to let my anxious thoughts go. Each day I embrace a laid-back attitude.
  14. I trust my inner wisdom and intuition.
  15. I choose to express a confident attitude to others.
  16. I can choose friends who approve of me and love me.
  17. I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life.
  18. I am willing to learn from my successes and from my not-so-successes to get better each day.
  19. I show my family how much I love them in all the verbal and non-verbal ways I can.
  20. I muster up hope and courage from deep inside me.
  21. “Your time is way too valuable to be wasting on people that can't accept who you are.” ― Turcois Ominek
  22. I am beautiful and smart, and that's how those who love me see me.
  23. I can feel free to love the body I have.
  24. I may not understand the good a certain situation but it is there.
  25. I choose to be proud of myself.
  26. I will make choices that demonstrate the care I have for my body.
  27. I draw from my inner strength and light.
  28. I can focus on simply being well today.
  29. I am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity.
  30. I freely express gratitude for the many blessings I receive.
  31. I breathe in calmness and breathe out ____________(nervousness/anxiety/anger; etc).
  32. “Don’t worry if people think you’re crazy. You are crazy. You have that kind of intoxicating insanity that lets other people dream outside of the lines and become who they’re destined to be.”  ― Jennifer Elisabeth
  33. I replace my anger with understanding and compassion.
  34. I will set aside time to be silent and breathe.
  35. I let go of my anger so I can see clearly.
  36. I am everything to somebody. I am everything to myself. This is enough.
  37. I can feel free to surround myself with people who treat me well.
  38. I have the power to control my reactions to the challenges I will face.
  39. I am thankful for my _______________ (husband, child, friend; etc) and the way he/she ________________.
  40. Gratitude brings me into a harmonious relationship with the good in everyone that surrounds me.
  41. I know my wisdom guides me to the right decisions.
  42. I am grateful that my body operates effortlessly. I am breathing and my heart is beated by my Creator.
  43. My friends do not judge me, nor do they influence what I do with my life.
  44. I am grateful that I can think, that I have free will to use those thoughts to change my life as I choose.
  45. I choose to be happy.
  46. I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances.
  47. Happy thoughts bring happy things.
  48. I am a better person from the hardship that I've gone through.
  49. I have as much brightness to offer the world as the next person.
  50. I trust myself to make the best decisions for me.
  51. I love and approve of myself.
  52. Thoughts others may have of me do not matter as long as I know and love my true self
  53. Right now, as I think this thought, circumstances are shifting to flood every aspect of my life with happiness.
  54. Wonderful things unfold before me.
  55. The fire that burns in my soul lights my path.
  56. I am being the best version of myself today.
  57. I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters.
  58. I don't have to be perfect to be worthy of love.
  59. I live in a natural state of joyfulness.
  60. I feel the love of those who are not physically around me.
  61. No one around me is perfect, and I don't have to be perfect to be accepted by others.
  62. In each and every moment of my life, joy is a possibility. I choose joy now.
  63. I never know what amazing incredible person I will meet next.
  64. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made.
  65. I feel good and good is attracted to me.
  66. This day brings me nothing but joy.
  67. All that I need comes to me at the right time and place in this life.
  68. The past has no power over me anymore.
  69. I love my family even if they do not understand me completely at times.
  70. I will feel happiness today.
  71. I enter today with an open mind and a calm presence.
  72. I believe in my ability to unlock the way and set myself free.
  73. I will find my tribe of close friends.
  74. I am enough.
  75. Motivation catapults me toward my goals.
  76. I was created with a purpose for this world.
  77. I see myself as a gift to my people and community and nation.
  78. Action is the energy that translates my thoughts into reality.
  79. I fill my day with hope and face it with joy.
  80. I radiate calmness and love in the face of adversity.
  81. I let go of worries that drain my energy for no good return.
  82. I choose to fully participate in my day.
  83. I know that my effort to contribute to any situation is enough.
  84. I enter this day with an attitude of appreciation.
  85. I am so good at ____________.
  86. I embrace the rhythm and the flowing of my own heart.
  87. Today I will be pleasantly surprised.
  88. I choose to be on my side. All of my thoughts are pointed toward my positive intentions.
  89. I am okay. I am breathing. I am alive. I am experiencing this moment. I release all worry, all thoughts of past and future. I am here, now.
  90. I show my family how much I love them in all the verbal and non-verbal ways I can.
  91. I can feel stress without embracing it as being a stressful person.
  92. I am in complete charge of planning for my future.
  93. The company of strangers teaches me more about my own likes and dislikes.
  94. I have no right to compare myself to anyone for I do not know their whole story.
  95. I hand my stress to God. I let it go!
  96. I trust that my God knew what he was doing when he created me for this world.
  97. My flaws are what make me unique.
  98. My only limit is my soul, no one can decide my limits for me.
  99. It's okay to be selfish sometimes.
  100. By participating in this life to the best of my ability, I am ensuring my future happiness.

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